We need volunteers
We need members to volunteer for jobs around the club!
With the purchase of our building, we need help from all our members in a variety of areas. Beyond our cleanup days and recurring jobs in the badminton club itself, we need volunteers to help us get the rest of our newly purchased building ready for rental. The sooner we can prepare the 20,000+ square feet of space next door for rental, the sooner we can generate extra income, to put toward building more gym space and badminton courts.
Since not every member can come out to our monthly volunteer days, we have created an online Volunteer Task List that members can review, and choose to take on specific tasks. These are small jobs, that only require a couple people, and a few hours of work. But these tasks will a big difference… please click the link below, and review the list, to see if there is a task that you can help with. If you see a job you like, just e-mail the club (mailto:info@kwbadminton.com), or talk to an administrative front desk staff person, who will make the arrangements for you. All work counts toward your volunteer fee, which is discounted at your next membership renewal. And, students can use the hours toward their High School Community Service Hours.
Volunteer Task List