Introductory Adult, Introductory Family Memberships and 4 Month Student Memberships run for four months.  All other memberships run for one full year.


Full Membership $622 Complete membership and unrestricted play any day courts are not booked for specific purpose (eg. Ladders, Tournaments, Rentals)
Family Membership $1239 Provides membership to two adults and any number of children under the age of 19 years
Full Couples Membership $1023 Provides membership for couples
Junior Membership $261 Reserved for members under 19 year of age
Senior Membership $561 Reserved for members 65 years of age and over
Limited Membership $477 Reserved for members who play only on weekdays from 9:00am-4:00pm
Student Membership $545 Reserved for members who are attending a university or college full-time
Student Membership 4-month $200 Reserved for members who are attending a university or college full-time
Out-of-Town Membership $482 Reserved for members who live out-of-town

Additional discounts that apply ONLY to members paying a Full or Senior Membership: All prices include HST, Social, and Volunteer Fee.

  • Couples Discount -20%
  • Out of Town Discount (40+ km- one way) -25%
4 Month Adult Membership $252
4 Month Family Membership $200/Adult + $88/Junior 


Guests are welcome during any of our open hours.  Please carry in clean, indoor-only court or gym shoes.

  • Adult – $15
  • Junior/Student – $10
  • Pickleball – $5

Those guests who take out a membership may have one guest fee credited toward their membership fee.  The start date of membership will be the day the guest fee was paid.

See our Pickleball page for coupon pricing for Pickleball only.


Schools may book limited times for group bookings, as low as $2.50/student. Click here for details.


Court Rental –   6 Courts $110 + HST / hour

An extra $20 per hour will be charged when staff are required to open and supervise the club.